Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Knowing right from wrong

"Thou shalt not be a victim, thous shalt not be a perpetrator, but above all, thou shalt not be a bystander." - Holocaust Museum, Washington D.C.

Shame on the United Nations for allowing Robert Mugabe to speak at its World Food Summit in Rome. Shame on the British and Australian delegates who were "upset", but apparently not enough to get up and leave. Shame on the world for continuing to invite this person to functions - or at least letting him in when he arrives.

When the last Zimbabwean has been murdered, starved to death or thrown off his land, I hope you will ask yourself: Have I been a victim? Have I been a perpetrator? Have I be a bystander? If you have done nothing to make the voices of the starving and tortured heard, you have been all three.

When each of us says in our hearts, "We must never again allow another holocaust", we are. Now. And the United Nations is a bystander. I may not be right about much, but I'm not wrong about this. Shame on them.


punxxi said...

Hi Di, nice blog, i have deleed 2 or 3 blogs and have just started a new one

punxxi said...

damn, you'd think an ancient crone such as me could spell the word deleted....sheesh
so do you have a myspace acct too?